This curriculum focuses on the investigation of the democratic political model, both in its juridical-institutional aspects and in relation to the theoretical conceptualization and the ideological debate that characterize it, in a contemporary perspective as well as in a historical one, and with particular attention to the transnational and comparative dimension of the analysis. The main topics to be studied include political representation in its multiple dimensions, forms of direct political participation, problems linked to the application of the democratic paradigm to the supra-state context and in a context dominated by economic and financial globalization, the role of political communication and new media in the formation of public opinion and in the construction of consensus, the relationship between people and elites, constitutional and electoral systems, democratic legality understood as the rule of law, analysis of electoral flows. The processes of democratization, with particular reference to the Mediterranean and Eastern European areas, represent a further focus of interest.

Board members: Cristina Baldassini, Anna Baldinetti, Giovanni Barbieri, Alessandro Campi, Enrico Caniglia, Marco Damiani, Loreto Di Nucci, Daniele Donati, Fausto Proietti, Gabriella Silvestrini, Alessandra Valastro.