Research Scholars @LEPA    

Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche

Ina Kubbe

Tel Aviv University

Ciclo di lezioni per gli insegnamenti
Metodi quantitativi per la ricerca sociale — Michela Gnaldi
Politiche di anticorruzione e trasparenza — Enrico Carloni

What is corruption – why should we care – and what can we do against it? Conceptualizing and governing corruption
lunedì 9 dicembre, 10:30 — 12:30, aula 302 Via Pascoli

Corruption and Norms: How Informal Rules Matter
mercoledì 11 dicembre, 9:00 — 10:30, aula 304 Via Pascoli

Why is there still so much variation in the level of corruption between democracies? The link between corruption and democracy
giovedì 12 dicembre, ore 10:30 — 12:30 , aula DIS2 via Elce di Sotto

Talk - 1st Conference of the Journal Etica Pubblica.
You don’t do it! Why is corruption so low in Germany?
Citizen’s attitudes and norms towards corruption
sabato 7 dicembre, ore 11:30, aula LEPA, Via Pascoli