International Autumn SchoolBuilding competencies and awareness on the international protection of girl children affected by armed conflict’ (4-19 October 2021 - online), organized by the Universities Network for Children in Armed Conflict with the support of Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale   

Deadline for registration: 20th September 2021 

The University of Perugia is a member of the Universities Network for Children in Armed Conflict and will participate in the training activities of the Autumn School.   

The School is an international intensive course that offers academic and professional training on the subject of international human rights law and international humanitarian law with regard to the protection of children in armed conflict and with a specific focus on gender issues. Two weeks of online training with the participation as lecturers of some of the best Academics and International Experts from different fields, providing both a theoretical and practical perspective on the issue.  

The Autumn School is open to worldwide students and to all those interested in learning more about the protection of children affected by armed conflict. A background in Law, Political Science, International Relations or Sociology is required. 

Download the detailed programme and infos on registration here

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Agli studenti iscritti ai corsi di laurea magistrale del Dipartimento di Scienze politiche interessati che conseguiranno il Certificato di partecipazione al corso (Certificate) verranno riconosciuti 3 CFU per i seminari interdisciplinari previsti dal proprio piano degli studi.

Per l'ottenimento dei 3 CFU, lo studente dovrà inviare una mail di richiesta alla Segreteria didattica del Dipartimento (Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.) allegando la fotocopia del Certificato di partecipazione al corso, sottoscritta in calce, una volta conseguiti tutti i cfu per altre attività previsti dal proprio piano di studio.